About The Workshop
NECW Aims and Objectives
The aim of North East Community Workshop is to provide a safe alternative to outside employment which is less demanding for people with disabilities in terms of work and social skills.
The objectives of the company are to provide people who have disabilities with:
- Opportunities to learn new skills and undertake activities which are work related in a structured safe environment.
- Opportunities to meet and work alongside people with similar needs.
- Opportunities to develop friendships.
- Opportunities to be part of and work as part of a team.
- Opportunities to be involved in making business decisions within the workshop.
- Opportunities to carry out work of a therapeutic nature on behalf of local companies for a cash return.

NECW Charter of Rights
People supported by North East Community Workshop Ltd. can expect to receive high quality support services which helps to develop their independence and work-related skills.
People are:
- Valued and treated with respect and dignity.
- Treated as individuals in their own right.
- Encouraged to have as much power and control over their own day time services at The Workshop as possible and be able to take risks so long as these have been assessed and appropriate preventative measures taken.
- Offered new and equal opportunities within the workshop.
- Provided with the opportunity to receive work related training within the workshop.
- Supported to have purpose to their lives and have life goals and ambitions. (Work related ambitions will be discussed with family/carers/care managers and assessed within the workshop and will be given serious consideration for sheltered/supported work in the community).
- Supported to have opportunities within the workshop to develop and maintain personal relationships.
Why People Like to Work
- They like spending their time doing something which they are good at.
- They like to be productive.
- They feel obliged to use their skills to do things which other people are going to benefit from and value.
The advantages of sheltered workshops include:
- A safer alternative to outside employment.
- Less demanding for people with disabilities in terms of work and social skills.
- Provide greater opportunities for developing friendships.
- Ensuring a structured day.
- Assistance for life without affecting disability benefits.
- Involvement and support from local businesses.
- Individual skills will be acknowledged and used to help people achieve and produce an end product.